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Sunrise Prepaid: Compare Sunrise Prepaid SIM Cards

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Updated: Feb 21

Are you looking for information on Sunrise prepaid offers? This guide is the right place for you. Find the latest information on Sunrise Prepaid SIM cards and discover if Sunrise Prepaid SIM cards are right for you!

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Sunrise Prepaid SIM Cards Compared

Sunrise offers various prepaid SIM cards to meet all customer segments. Below is a table showing the main differences between the available Sunrise Prepaid SIM cards:

Sunrise Prepaid SIm Card


Prepaid Airbag

  • Data at 1.20 CHF per 100 MB

  • Calls at 0.30 CHF/minute

  • eSIM available

Prepaid Unlimited

  • Unlimited everything (data, SMS, and calls) at 2.50 CHF/day

  • eSIM available

T@ke Away

  • Unlimited data at 3 CHF/day

  • Calls not enabled

  • 5G Sunrise included

Prepaid Young

  • For under 27 only

  • Unlimited data at 0.75 CHF/day

  • Calls at 0.25 CHF/minute

  • 5G Sunrise included

Purchase your Sunrise SIM card in less than 5 minutes and get your prepaid Swiss SIM card.

Remember: The activation cost for all Sunrise Prepaid SIM cards is 19.90 CHF, which will be refunded as credit upon activation of the SIM card. The monthly fee is 0.00 CHF, and you will only pay for actual usage.

Sunrise Prepaid Rates

In aggiunta alle tariffe standard Sunrise Prepaid, è possibile attivare delle opzioni per ottenere un pacchetto dati, voce o SMS da utilizzate in Svizzera o all’estero (roaming). 

Qui di seguito vi riportiamo le opzioni principali Sunrise Prepagate:

Sunrise Prepaid Options



Budget 10

10 CHF / month

300 MB, 30 calls, and 30 SMS

Budget 15

15 CHF / month

600 MB, 60 calls, and 60 SMS

Budget Flat

25 CHF / month

2 GB high speed, then unlimited data at low speed, unlimited calls and SMS

Unlimited 365 days M

120 CHF / 365 days

Unlimited data with a maximum speed of 1 Mbps

Unlimited 365 days L

200 CHF / 365 days

Unlimited data with a maximum speed of 10 Mbps

Unlimited 365 days XL

365 CHF / 365 days

Unlimited data with a maximum speed of 300 Mbps

If you want to discover more Sunrise Prepaid options for Switzerland or roaming, we invite you to visit the operator's official website.

Frequently Asked Questions about Sunrise Prepaid

Whether you are still gathering information about Sunrise prepaid offers or are already a Sunrise Prepaid customer, here you will find the main questions and useful answers that can help you manage your SIM.

Where can I purchase Sunrise Prepaid SIM cards?

Sunrise Prepaid SIM cards can be purchased through one of the following sales channels:

  • Online on the Sunrise website

  • In an official Sunrise shop

  • At a Sunrise partner distributor

Remember that only online purchases allow you to receive the Sunrise SIM as an eSIM. In other cases, you will always receive a physical SIM card.

Can I switch from a Sunrise Prepaid SIM to a subscription?

Yes, anyone who owns a Sunrise Prepaid SIM is allowed to switch to a subscription at any time.To switch from a Sunrise prepaid tariff to a mobile phone subscription, simply visit your customer account in My Sunrise and request an immediate change.

Can I transfer my number to a Sunrise Prepaid SIM?

Anyone purchasing a Sunrise Prepaid SIM has the option to transfer their number during the online purchase process of their SIM. On the first checkout screen, just request the portability of the mobile number and provide the phone number in full.

Remember to notify the other operator if you are switching from a mobile subscription to the Sunrise Prepaid SIM to avoid penalties or additional costs.

When does Sunrise Prepaid credit expire?

Sunrise Prepaid SIM cards expire either 17 months after the last use or if non-compliant use occurs. Shortly before the Sunrise SIM is deactivated, Sunrise will notify you via email with the procedure to avoid confirmation of the cancellation.

Can I use the Sunrise Prepaid SIM abroad?

Yes, Sunrise Prepaid SIM cards can be used both in Switzerland and abroad, provided you purchase a roaming package and enable it from the Sunrise Cockpit.

Which is the best Sunrise Prepaid SIM?

The best Sunrise Prepaid SIM for unlimited data usage is the Sunrise Prepaid Unlimited, which offers unlimited everything for only 2.50 CHF/day. Note: If you plan to use the SIM for more than 2 weeks per month, this may not be the most convenient option, and it might be more useful to opt for the Sunrise Prepaid Airbag SIM.

If you're ready to proceed with purchasing Sunrise Prepaid, click the button below and place your order directly on the Sunrise website.

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